Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jonathan Kauffman

This is such a sensual article about the growth of Mushrooms and how they add to our ecosystems. The food sounds yummy.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jonathan Kauffman

Oh gosh, I would be worried about eating mushrooms from the yard, too. Excited to hear about your summer garden!

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Yummm!! and YAY for mycelium!!!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jonathan Kauffman

I covet those mushrooms! How marvelous. Hal has resisted adding cultivated mushrooms to the already absurd number of things growing in our garden, so I have to find what joy I can in the occasional appearance of a puffball or a Devil's Stinkhorn. May your mycelial network remain strong and rich with surprises!

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